
Showing posts from June, 2020

Together we stand -Books About Race In Britain To Add To Your Anti-Racist Reading List

  Over the past few days, demonstrations have taken place in the U.S., UK, and across the world to protest the killing of George Floyd  at the hands of Minneapolis police  on May 25 and demand more is done to end racism and police brutality. One of the first steps non-Black people can take in helping this cause is educating themselves on the issue. Reading about racism here in the UK will not be a comfortable experience, but with so many  informative books about the topic,  there are no excuses not to be doing it. This list includes books that will help readers learn about the history of racism and anti-racist activism in the UK, as well as what racism looks like today and how you can actively become a better ally. The books below predominantly focus on Black British experiences and histories, but there are works featured for those looking to read more widely about the issue of UK racism, xenophobia, and white supremacy. I have also included novels and non-fiction books